The IntelePeer glossary defines common vocabulary, terms, acronyms, metrics, and phrases related to our service offerings. To find the term you’re looking for, use the search bar or navigate using the alphabet bar at the top of the page.

- Interactive voice response (IVR)IVR, or Interactive Voice Response, is a customer service automation tool that leverages either keypad or vocal responses from the user to curate customer experiences over the phone. Read More
- Journey mappingJourney mapping in CX shows where your users begin and where they end throughout their customer experience. Read More
- Knowledge baseA knowledge base is a central repository of data, information, and resources. Read More
- Lifetime value (LTV)Lifetime value quantifies the total amount of revenue generated by a single customer. Read More
- Multichannel contact centerA multichannel contact center is defined by its siloed communication across multiple channels like SMS, email, and phone. Read More