Welcome to another edition of IntelePeer’s Tech Tuesday series. This week Sara Wollesen, Director of Partner Marketing, tells us about how she got started in tech, shares her love of the Apple Watch, and has some great advice.
1. How did you end up in the Tech Industry?
My career in technology began shortly after college when I went to work for a communications company. At the time, I honestly didn’t see myself staying in tech long term. I figured it would be a great entry-level job to build up my experience until I found something new.
As I learned more about the company and the industry, I began to really enjoy it. The fast-paced and challenging nature of the industry and the ability to create extraordinary things are why I stayed and continued to grow my career in tech.
2. What technology do you use the most – whether in your personal or professional life?
I don’t leave the house without my Apple Watch. I use it all day, every day to respond to text messages, check the weather, and track my steps (which is not much these days). I also have the bad habit of misplacing my iPhone multiple times a day, so the ability to ping it is a necessity.
3. What was the most challenging aspect of your career and how did you overcome it?
Starting a family a few years ago while still balancing a career was a lot harder than I anticipated. With less flexibility in my day, I struggled to be present at home when I was at work and vice versa. I’m still learning as I go but have gotten better at filtering out the noise. I’ve learned to reprioritize my to-do list and be more proactive with how I manage my time.
4. Any advice for women who want to join the Tech Industry?
Don’t underestimate the value you bring to the workforce. Follow your interests, keep an open mind, and make sure to always advocate for yourself.
5. What advice would you give your younger self who is just starting in the workforce?
As a young woman, working alongside others who have been in the industry for a decade or more and can talk circles around you can be intimidating. I often believed that if I didn’t understand all the technical terms or complexities of a certain concept, it meant I couldn’t add value.
If I could give my younger self a piece of advice, it would be that it’s ok not to have all the answers. Be curious, ask questions, and don’t be afraid to share ideas even if you don’t have it all figured out. After being in the industry for 15 years, I am still learning something new every day and have come to accept that I’ll never fully understand all the complexities of the tech world.
Bonus: What podcast are you currently listening to?
I love a good true crime podcast. The latest one I’ve been listening to is The Dropout: Elizabeth Holmes on Trial.