The July 19th global tech outage is a stark reminder that unexpected contact center disasters can and will occur.

The question is, do you have a strong contact center continuity plan in place for when the next disaster strikes?

The key to avoiding disasters is the strategic use of self-service automation and redundancy via independent. Watch this webinar to learn how to use the technology to maintain contact center operations and deliver great customer experience – no matter what occurs.

Our experts will discuss how to achieve:

  • Exceptionally reliable and scalable self-service automation paths
  • Streamlined, efficient contact center operations 24/7/365
  • Satisfied, informed customers and staff during unavoidable outages

Watch now

Are you ready to implement a best-in-class strategy to avoid contact center disasters?

Meet with IntelePeer’s self-service automation experts for a 30-minute demo. You’ll see how the technology can transform your contact center, helping you avoid contact center disasters in the future. Schedule a 30-minute demo with IntelePeer now.