Welcome to another edition of IntelePeer’s Tech Tuesday series. This week Veronica Ruiz, Senior Project Manager, takes us through her experience working at an IVR company, developing project management, and sharing some wise advice.
1. What first got you interested in working in technology?
I stumbled upon my career in technology. I was working in recruiting and filled an interim general position for an interactive voice response (IVR) company which subsequently became permanent. I became interested in the “behind the scenes” of the operation and quickly changed my path and gained the skillset necessary to work side by side with developers.
2. What AI or machine learning capabilities are you most looking forward to?
As an industry insider: Advanced speech recognition, in terms of multiple languages and accents.
As a user: Reinforced learning to solve problems. I cannot wait for the day I do not have to resolve to “representative” to achieve resolution when contacting a business.
3. What was the most challenging aspect of your career and how did you overcome it?
Undefined expectations (scope creep). Last-minute deliverables to a project are detrimental to a deadline, so I learned to ask all the questions. Anything I can think of – no matter how insignificant I think it may be – I ask. This helps guide the client to a clear goal and establishes a path to a smooth and successful project.
4. Any advice for women who want to join the tech industry?
Find a mentor (preferably a woman) and always remain curious. I found my mentor ten years ago. She always gave me the extra push to go for new challenges and help me build up my confidence. I still go to her for advice.
5. What advice would you give your younger self who is just starting in the workforce?
Do not be afraid to speak up. Learn early on what keeps you interested and turn it into your professional passion and career goal. You will never get bored.
Bonus: Who is your tech role model?
I do not have a tech role model, but I enjoy listening and reading Eric Schmidt interviews.