Welcome to another edition of IntelePeer’s Tech Tuesday series. This week Christine Martin, Vice President of Demand Generation, reflects on her path to technology, her love of the iPad, and her favorite tech podcasts.
1. How did you end up in the tech industry?
Early on, I realized that Marketing was where I wanted to be thanks to an engaging college professor. My career began with marketing financial services to consumers (B2C). Then, I made the jump to B2B when I joined Pitney Bowes, a global technology company. After I moved to Florida, I began looking for a new opportunity at a growing, innovative company with a culture that would be a good match. That’s how I found IntelePeer.
2. What technology do you use the most – whether in your personal or professional life?
When I’m home, I’m glued to my iPad. I love the larger screen for FaceTime, watching videos, listening to music, reading books, googling, texting, and so on. It is almost always on my lap, and it’s the first thing I reach for each morning.
3. What was the most challenging aspect of your career and how did you overcome it?
In my first marketing position, I was responsible for marketing to acquire new customers. While my team did all the work to plan, execute, and optimize results, the analyst who presented the results was the person the senior leaders focused on. I quickly learned that I needed to be responsible for evaluating marketing return on investment and be able to dig in and analyze results and data.
4. Any advice for women who want to join the tech industry?
The tech industry still has a gender imbalance. Maybe I’m wearing rose-colored glasses, but I think that if you have talent and are confident in yourself, people will eventually notice. I would encourage women to join the tech industry and show their value.
5. What advice would you give your younger self who is just starting in the workforce?
Put on your poker face and don’t worry about making everyone like you. I like this quote from the actor, Frank Langella who said, “I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure – which is: Try to please everybody.”
Bonus: What podcasts are you currently listening to?
Women at Work by Harvard Business Review has some great podcasts on topics such as persuading people, managing up, and others. Also, The Guilty Feminist podcast is very entertaining.