IntelePeer’s Advocacy Program offers customers the opportunity to participate in references, case studies, testimonials, or referrals.
Become a reference
Share your experience with potential IntelePeer customers who would like to speak to a reference. When you become an IntelePeer reference you’ll get a $100 gift card upon enrollment. Then we’ll connect you with prospective customers for a quick chat about your experience with IntelePeer.
Become an Advocate: participate in a case study, video testimonial, and more
Take part in a short interview in a pre-agreed upon format and IntelePeer will take it from there. Once you’ve approved the content receive a $50 gift card and a $500 invoice credit for each deliverable.*
Refer a friend to IntelePeer
When you refer someone to IntelePeer you receive a $250 gift card and an additional $500 gift card for every referral that becomes an IntelePeer customer.
Are you an IntelePeer Partner? We want to hear from you, too. Learn about the IntelePeer Partner Advocacy Program here.
We value your privacy. You will always have visibility into the creation process. IntelePeer will never share your information or use your company logo, name, or details without express permission. You can unenroll from the Advocacy Program at any time.
*Restrictions apply. An IntelePeer associate will reach out to confirm your eligibility.